Why I Stopped Wearing Over-the-Ear Headphones

Why I Stopped Wearing Over-the-Ear Headphones

e neck caused by over the ear headphones.

The Pain that Wouldn’t Go Away Wasn’t What I Thought

I decided to share this experience in the event that anyone else may be having these physical issues that seem “untraceable”, but happen to coincide with something so basic that you might overlook it as an issue. Over the ear headphones can be an issue for some people in regards to causing physical pain, an in an overuse type injury. I found that the squeezing of them on my Temporal muscles around my ears and the reverb of the music through my head put too much stress on the Temporal muscle itself, causing jaw pain, neck tension and no relief in sight.

As you may or may not know, I am an avid exerciser. I’ve been in the gym going on 25 years now, consistently. I’ve used headphones for my music long before blue tooth was a thing and I detested the earbuds because I felt that they hurt the inside of my ear. However, after several pairs of over the ear headphones trying to get something less “squeezy” on my head, I found no matter how gentle they seemed it still caused Temporal tension, jaw pain and neck tension. Stretching it out didn’t work, so I had to start looking at the solution. When I realized that it kept coming back and stronger after a workout than any other time of day, I went a day without music in my ears and it felt a little better. I then used a pair of ear buds and noticed that the tension wasn’t there. It’s been three weeks since I’ve used my over the head earphones and this is what my conclusion is: They caused my Temporal muscles severe trauma, which instigated my jaw pain and neck tension that I could never seem to get rid of no matter how much I stretched. I struggled with this for months until I figured it out and once I did, the tension was eased immediately and after three weeks, in spite of a car accident , the tension, pain and clicking (in my jaw) are gone. And I do mean gone.

So what does this mean for you? It means that if you are having a tension, pain or issue that doesn’t seem to be changed no matter what you do, dietary changes, stretching, strengthening, sleeping or massage, you MUST look at what you’re doing in your every day life that could possibly be contributing to it. It’s the only option and we owe it to our tissues to figure it out. Once we give our tissues what they want, we get what we want, a once again harmonious interaction with our body that brings about pain free and ample movement.

I hope this helps you figure out your tension issues. Until next time…

That’s the Rub,


CBD Massage is HERE!

CBD Massage is HERE!

CBD Massage Graphic 1
CBD Massage Comes to Bloomington in a BIG WAY!

Believe the Hype!
That’s the Rub is extremely proud to announce we have partnered with Bloomington company G&W Raw Foods to bring to you our EXCLUSIVE and Totally Excellent CBD MASSAGE!

CBD takes our already outstanding, award-winning therapeutic massages and cranks them up to 11! Our exclusive 100 mg CBD massage cream battles inflammation by activating the pathways of existing cannabinoid (CB2) receptors in the body, reducing soreness and stiffness, desensitizing pain, allowing your body to relax deeper and faster. Not only do joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves respond dramatically to CBD, as it is derived from hemp it is amazing for conditioning and protecting your skin. SCHEDULE RIGHT NOW!

How’s it Work?

Really, really well! First of all, it’s worth repeating, our incredible massage cream is derived from hemp, and contains NO THC, which means it is NOT psychoactive, you will not get high, rather, it is a powerful pain reliever that has far-reaching medical benefits as well!

Cannabis is a well-known pain reviler and anti-inflammatory agent. By reducing pain and inflammation in the muscles, the therapist is able to work more deeply and effectively. Studies have also found CBD good for speeding up the recovery time of injured connective tissues.

The skin has the greatest amount and concentration of CB2 (Cannabinoid) receptors in the body. When CBD oil is applied topically, such as in a massage, the antioxidants in CBD (which is dramatically more powerful than Vitamin E or C!) can repair damage from free radicals like UV rays and environmental pollutants.

When combined with massage, the CBD allows the therapist to work deeper, and bring longer lasting relief to sore muscles. 

Don’t just sit there, schedule TODAY online or by calling us at 812-333-3393! You will be ECSTATIC! 

Beginings: Old and New

Beginings: Old and New

Very early Sidewalk Sign (circa 2012)
VERY Early Sidewalk Sign (circa 2012)

We used to start every day by hanging a new “Rub” on the door: a quote by a famous person to inspire thought, allow us to embrace gratitude, or to just have a good laugh on the way in and out our door. It was kind of our way at The Rub to send you on your way thinking, but also more relaxed and grounded with yourself, since you, of course, had also had a massage.
Over time we’ve gotten away from this practice, either due to changing of front-desk management or perhaps as we got busier due to our wonderful clients sending out the good word that we exist. Either way, I feel that it’s necessary to get back to our Rub of the Day, but maybe to take the pressure off a little bit, to change it to the Rub of the Month, but be choosier and more thoughtful about what those rubs are and we as a team reflect on them as much as anyone else does when they come and go.
You see, we at The Rub, have always tried to cultivate a relaxed atmosphere that was inclusive of everyone while maintaining professional relationships and cultivating education opportunities for knowing more about how our bodies work and how we can help ourselves and others through pain, dysfunction, and disease.

THAT space logo for the web site

Recently, we expanded our space to include a classroom, we call it THAT:space (which is currently represented online at it’s Facebook page). We decided it was time to offer massage classes to anyone who would like to learn how to feel better in their own skin, take back control of their own body, help themselves and others ease pain and discomfort of friends and family, or maybe find a hobby or possibly a new profession (as you know, we also helped found the new Ivy Tech Bloomington massage program). THAT:space is a private classroom within That’s the Rub, dedicated to learning objectives of all kinds.
Since opening our massage program at Ivy Tech, it’s become very clear to me that teaching is one of my fundamental joys in life and I wanted to expand my teaching range to anyone who wanted to learn massage, not just to those that wanted to be in the profession. Our goal at That’s the Rub is to open THAT:space to the public for massage classes within the next few months. We will also be offering classes to certified and licensed massage therapists to fulfill their CEU requirements, expand their professional skills, and help them in their businesses. THAT:space is also available to rent for private events, small plays (stay tuned for an announcement VERY soon about our first one!), and group meetings, etc., by the hour. Contact Kara THAT:space manager at Kara@ThatsTheRub.com for more information.
In conclusion, I will leave you with one of my favorite rubs from “back in the day”:

“Do in your heart what you know to be right for you will be criticized anyway.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt

May you always have the courage to do what your heart knows to be right.
That’s the Rub,

Wrestling with Nutrition through Mindfulness

Wrestling with Nutrition through Mindfulness

Wrestling with Nutrition through Mindfulness

I’ve been working on the ongoing practice of mindfulness for years now, since I started as a Spa Director in 2004. Mindfulness is something to be honed daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc. until it becomes a part of who you are. Being mindful is about presence in the moment and being thoughtful every day about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. How to get the results you’re really going after and achieving them through mindful planning and execution. This is not to say that sometimes your brain gets in front of you for how quickly you put your thoughts into action, it just means that you think about what you’re doing and how it effects the desired outcome and those around you.

MINDFULNESS (def.) – a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Using mindfulness for the greater good, a few years ago my gut was telling me it’s not happy. Mostly through constant bloating, inflammation and constipation, you know, things that I thought were just normal parts of everyday living, until I started having a pain in my liver area that wouldn’t go away. Not being one to run to the doctor over trivial matters, I ran to the doctor…are you kidding me, this pain in my liver that wouldn’t go away. Pain is a sign in the body that something is wrong and it wants you to pay attention to it. I had been ignoring the other symptoms: constant bloating, inflammation and constipation, so my body gave me something I couldn’t ignore. Well, things checked out well for my liver, and now I was out $900. But I had a true wake up call, that what I was eating wasn’t working for me and I needed to be more mindful about what I was eating and how my body was reacting to it.

Of course being human I would slip, you know how it goes…I’m feeling better, maybe it was just a bug (it’s not just a bug), maybe I’m not as sensitive as I thought I was about what my body can tolerate (yes, I am), but being human, I eat that thing that made me feel not so good and the feeling instantly comes back, no matter the “little” quantity that I eat of it. It’s our way as humans to try to get away with having that thing we THINK we want. It’s habit. It’s comforting. It’s a food I love. However, the more I dove into the mindfulness part of eating, I was beginning to realize that everything that I loved to eat, hated me, because I would react to it. Thus, what I’ve become is a health nut, a food snob or a picky eater, take your pick. I can no longer eat the foods that I grew up eating, thinking that they weren’t effecting my health and making me feel less than. As my nutrition blueprint improved so did my mindfulness in what I was eating, as well as my mindfulness in everything else I do. It helped lay the foundation for me to see other areas of my life in which mindfulness could be applied to achieve the result that I was looking for. After all, that’s what I want…results.

Being mindful has taught me a lot about my personal nutrition, which has lead me to better exercise outcomes, better treatment outcomes for myself and my clients, better outcomes in the classroom…mindfulness has allowed me to see what works and change it immediately if it isn’t. Mindfulness allows awareness in everything else you do.

See how you can apply mindfulness to your daily life to achieve goals that you have set for yourself. Before you know, you too could be getting the results that you’re looking for.

That’s the Rub,


P.S. This is an interactive blog. If you have any questions, thoughts or ideas you’d like to discuss or are interested in, please comment below.

Pain Management in Bloomington, Indiana: Are You Ignoring Your Body’s SOS?

Pain Management in Bloomington, Indiana: Are You Ignoring Your Body’s SOS?

Effective Pain Management & Therapeutic Massage in Bloomington, Indiana at That's the Rub

What are YOU Doing?

Hey there, Bloomington! What are YOU doing for pain management? Are you ignoring your pain? I’ve been there, done that. But let me tell you, ignoring your pain is like muting your body’s distress call. It’s time to listen up, folks! So, what’s your goal? Are you ready to take the driver’s seat in your wellness journey?

Why Ignoring Pain is a No-Go

Pain is your body’s way of waving a red flag. It’s screaming, “Hey, something’s not right here!” When you ignore it, you’re essentially silencing your body’s alarm system. The more you ignore it, the LOUDER it yells. Trust me, I’ve been there. It’s not just about the physical toll; it’s also about the emotional and psychological impact of living with untreated pain.

The Science Behind Pain

Pain is more than just an unpleasant sensation; it’s a complex interaction between your nerves, brain, and spinal cord. When you experience pain, it’s your nervous system sending a signal to your brain, saying, “Pay attention! Something’s wrong!” Understanding the science of pain can empower you to take control of your well-being.

The Bloomington Approach to Pain Management

Here in Bloomington, we believe in a holistic approach to wellness. Whether it’s through therapeutic massage, proper nutrition, or regular exercise, we’re all about treating the root cause, not just the symptoms.

Local Resources

Bloomington offers a plethora of resources for pain management, from specialized clinics to community wellness programs. Utilizing local resources can make your journey to pain-free living more accessible and community-oriented.


“I used to suffer from chronic back pain until I discovered That’s the Rub. Their approach to pain management has been a game-changer for me.”
—J.D., Bloomington Resident

Exercise: The Unsung Hero

You don’t have to be a gym rat to benefit from exercise. Even simple activities like walking or stretching can make a world of difference. Exercise keeps your body’s pulleys and levers—aka muscles and joints—in tip-top shape. It also releases endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers, providing a double whammy against pain.

Types of Exercise for Pain Management

  • Aerobic Exercise: Activities like swimming or cycling can improve your cardiovascular health and endurance, making you more resilient against pain.
  • Strength Training: Building muscle can provide better support for your joints, reducing the risk of injury and pain.
  • Flexibility Exercises: Stretching and yoga can improve your range of motion and alleviate muscle tension, both of which are crucial for pain management.

Nutrition and Hydration: The Building Blocks

What you put into your body has a direct impact on how you feel. A balanced diet and proper hydration can work wonders in alleviating pain and discomfort. Foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties, like turmeric and ginger, can be particularly beneficial.

The Role of Hydration

Dehydration can exacerbate pain by causing muscle cramps and joint stiffness. Make sure you’re drinking enough water, especially if you’re active or spending time in the sun.

The Power of Therapeutic Massage

Sometimes, you need a little extra help, and that’s where we come in. Therapeutic massage can be a powerful tool in your pain management arsenal. It not only relieves tension but also improves blood flow, aiding in the healing process.

Types of Therapeutic Massage for Pain Management

  • Therapeutic Massage: This is your go-to for general pain relief and relaxation. It combines various techniques like kneading, tapping, and long strokes to address a range of issues, making it a versatile option for many. Whether you’re dealing with stress, muscle tension, or minor aches, therapeutic massage is your all-rounder.
  • Advanced Therapeutic Massage: Ready to level up? This takes it up a notch by targeting specific problem areas with advanced techniques like deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy. It’s ideal for those dealing with chronic pain or specific conditions like sciatica or frozen shoulder.
  • Swedish Massage: Ah, the Swedish massage, the comfort food of the massage world! Known for its long, flowing strokes and gentle kneading, this type of massage is perfect for those new to the massage experience or those looking for overall relaxation and stress relief. It’s like a warm hug for your muscles!
  • Facilitated Stretching: Think of this as yoga, but you don’t have to do quite as much of the work! Facilitated stretching involves a therapist helping you stretch your muscles to improve flexibility and range of motion. It’s fantastic for athletes or anyone looking to improve their physical performance.

Take Control of Your Pain Today

You have the power to manage your pain and improve your quality of life. Don’t let pain hold you back from living your best life, especially when you have resources right here in Bloomington to help you.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Ready to take control of your pain, Bloomington? Schedule your appointment today or give us a call at 812-333-3393 and we’ll help you choose the right service and practitioner for what you need. Your body will thank you!