Listening to Your Body: The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Listening to Your Body: The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Listening to Your body the Importance of Massage Therapy

You work hard. You don’t get enough sleep. You’re always on the go. It’s no wonder you’re feeling a little (or a lot) stressed out. But did you know that massage therapy can help reduce stress and promote overall health? Massage therapy is more than just a way to relax; it’s a critical component of your health care regimen. Here’s why you should consider adding massage therapy to your health care routine.

Reduce Stress

The benefits of massage therapy for reducing stress

Massage therapy is one of the oldest and most natural forms of healing. It has been used for centuries to improve overall health, reduce stress, and promote a sense of well-being.

Today, massage therapy is more popular than ever. People are realizing the many benefits that come with regular massage sessions. If you’re feeling stressed out, overworked, or just generally unhealthy, consider adding massage therapy to your health care routine. You won’t regret it!

Massage therapy relaxes the body and mind.

There are many benefits to massage therapy when it comes to reducing stress. One of the most important is that it relaxes the body and mind, which in turn can help to reduce tension and anxiety. Massage therapy can also help to improve sleep quality, which is essential for overall health and well-being. Additionally, massage therapy can help to boost the immune system and increase energy levels. All of these benefits can work together to help reduce stress levels and improve overall health. If you’re feeling stressed out, consider adding a few massage sessions to your weekly routine. You won’t regret it!

It helps release tension in the muscles.

One of the primary benefits of massage therapy is that it helps to release tension in the muscles. When you’re stressed out, your muscles tend to tense up, which can lead to pain and discomfort. Massage therapy can help to loosen those muscles and promote relaxation. This can be extremely beneficial for overall health and well-being.

Massage therapy also helps to improve circulation. When you’re stressed out, your body produces more cortisol, which can have a negative effect on blood flow. Massage therapy can help to improve circulation and reduce the amount of cortisol in the body. This can help to improve overall health and well-being.

Finally, massage therapy is a great way to reduce stress levels. When you’re stressed out, your body goes into “fight or flight” mode, which can have a number of negative consequences for overall health. Massage therapy can help to calm the body and mind, and promote a sense of peace and well-being.

It can improve circulation and energy flow.

One of the primary benefits of massage therapy is that it helps to improve circulation. When you’re stressed out, your body produces more cortisol, which can have a negative effect on blood flow. Massage therapy can help to improve circulation and reduce the amount of cortisol in the body. This can help to improve overall health and well-being.

Additionally, massage therapy can help to boost the immune system and increase energy levels. All of these benefits can work together to help improve circulation and promote overall health. If you’re feeling sluggish or run down, consider adding a few massage sessions to your weekly routine.

Massage therapy provides a sense of calm and peace.

Calm is important because it allows the body and mind to relax and rejuvenate. When you’re stressed out, your body is in a constant state of fight or flight mode, which can be harmful to overall health. Massage therapy can help to calm the body and mind, and promote a sense of peace and well-being. This can be extremely beneficial for overall health and well-being.

It supports self-healing and helps the body to rebalance itself.

The body has an amazing ability to heal itself. It does this through a number of different techniques, and can be aided by massage therapy and aromatherapy which can help reduce stress levels as well improve circulation in the muscles by increasing blood flow or strengthening them with exercise if they’re too relaxed due to lackadaisical stretching habits! Your body wants to be in a balanced state, and when it’s not, massage can help encourage balance by providing deep tissue pressure that releases endorphins (feel-good hormones) which have a pain-relieving effect as well! This one-two punch can speed healing throughout the body long after the massage itself is finished.

Promote Muscle Relaxation

Massage therapy isn’t just good for your mind; it’s also good for your muscles (while obvious on the surface, there’s depth to this idea). When you’re stressed, your muscles tend to tense up, leading to pain and stiffness due to waste-product build-up in the tissues. Massage therapy helps to promote muscle relaxation and improve range of motion, which in turn will improve the elimination of stress hormones like cortisol. As a result, you’ll feel less pain and be able to move more easily, which in turn will continue the cycle of stress reduction.

If you’re looking for a way to reduce stress and promote overall health, consider adding regular massage therapy to your health care routine. Massage therapy has numerous benefits, including reducing stress levels, promoting muscle relaxation, and improving circulation. So what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment with a licensed massage therapist at That’s the Rub today!

That’s the Rub’s COVID-19 Precautions [UPDATED May 21, 2021]

That’s the Rub’s COVID-19 Precautions [UPDATED May 21, 2021]

A quick reference chart for Corvid-19 vs. Allergies vs. Flu

MAY 21, 2021 UPDATE: Yup! We’re almost back to normalcy. Almost. Group classes have started again (YOU should come!) and we also offer facials, couple’s services, and more. But masks are still required until the medical board (who we fall under as massage therapy) declares it safe for medical practices to ensure safety for all). We thank you for your understanding as we move a little closer to normal…in a very relaxed way.

[June 3, 2020 UPDATE: We ARE OPEN after 2.5 months and we’re thrilled! This blog post has some good information in it so I’m not removing it, but for an update on our specific actions and plans, please visit our COVID-19 Response Page.]

Dear Friends:

Today’s blog is brought to you by the Letter C and the Number 19. There’s no way to make light of such an important topic as COVID-19, but this a That’s the Rub email, so I’ll try to keep it informative and fun as a possible. That said, let me hit the highpoints and then dig in more:

TLDR: Yes, we’re OPEN! Massage is GREAT for moving lymph and helping to strengthen your immune system. We are taking our already extraordinary precautions to an even higher level (we’re clean freaks anyway). We’re hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

If you’ve been with That’s the Rub for any length of time, you know we take our client’s health VERY seriously. Likewise, we take our team’s health just as seriously. COVID-19 (the novel corona virus) is scaring a lot of people, and for a very good reason. We’ve always been a bit more than germophobic around here, but we’ve been increasing our disinfecting across the board…and knobs…and shelves…and anyplace that has a chance of being touched by one of us or you (honestly, we were pretty fastidious already, but more can’t hurt).

Massage therapists and estheticians (by training, law, and OSHA) wash their hands (for at least 30 seconds) BEFORE AND AFTER every service. Always. Every time. The only change is we may be doing it EVEN MORE. But you can rest assured we are doing a LOT (and I mean a LOT)!

Next, after a long and hard think, we have changed our sheet process. In the past we have used (or owned) a cleaning service to launder our sheets. In no small part to the current viral concerns we have switched to a certified medical-grade cleaning service who provides linens to hospitals. This might be overkill and is above and beyond state and federal OSHA standards for a day spa, but we think we’re all worth it — we’re not playing games with anyone’s health. Our sheets have always been single-client use, but now they are being fully sanitized, not just cleaned. The quality of the new linens is just as high as we’ve always had, but you can rest assured they are the cleanest it is possible to clean them.

The fuzzy blankets are still around but are no longer the default in making the tables. They’re not really needed, the new top-sheets we use are extra thick and when combined with the table warmers (on ALL our tables) are more than sufficient (If you get cold during a service, PLEASE ask your therapist to turn up the table, they will happily do so!).

We have always provided equipment for our Yomassage, breathwork, couple’s massage training and other classes, and we will continue to do so. While we do disinfect all equipment between classes, you are always welcome to bring your own, and single-use pillowcases will be available upon request for bolsters, etc.

Our 24-hour cancellation policy remains in place (e.g. if you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment you will be charged full price), HOWEVER, we have ALWAYS had an exception for illness which is certainly not changing. If you are sick, PLEASE call us as soon as possible and stay home, drink bone broth, binge watch something insipid, and get healthy. We don’t want it either.

Likewise, we have always empowered our staff to turn away any client for any reason whether it is health, cleanliness, safety, or otherwise. If you show up sick, and we are concerned, you will be asked to reschedule (did I mention we don’t want it either?).

However, should one of our staff come down sick, we also will ask them to stay home. This could become inconvenient at the last minute before an appointment, and we will do everything we can to keep you informed. Where possible, we will simply move you to another of our fantastic therapists and you won’t miss a step (did you know we take EXTENSIVE notes after each and every appointment for just such an occasion? Yup! Always have, always will).

But as there is a lot (A LOT!) of confusion as to what is allergy, cold, flu, or COVID-19 The chart at the top of this blog is for your reference. If you’ve only got allergies, may I recommend our signature Allergy Relief Rub? It’s awesome!

Friends, we’re all in this together, and you can be assured we are watching, reading, and listening to everything and will absolutely operate within the law, common sense, and needs of the health of our community.

That’s the Rub!

Jim, Lisa, and Team Rub

PS – If you have ANY questions, please don’t hesitate to write me directly:

Wash your hands, A LOT!

The Best Massage in Bloomington! AGAIN!

The Best Massage in Bloomington! AGAIN!

Readers Choice 2019
The Herald-Times Reader’s Choice Award Winner for Best Massage in Bloomington!!!


There’s no way I could let this slide by and not make a big deal out of it: For the 9th year in a row, That’s the Rub was nominated and once again has won the coveted BEST MASSAGE IN BLOOMINGTON from The Herald-Times Reader’s Choice Award! Of course, YOU know that already, didn’t you? We are honored and humbled by your love for us and we will continue to work every single day to prove you right! So, as a thank you…


Throughout the Month of May, we will be thank you in the most That’s the Rub way possible: FREE UPGRADES to your choice of three different aromatherapy options! You don’t have to book it in any special way, you just have to let us know when you check in that you want your FREE UPGRADE (at least a $10 value) — heck, we’re likely to ask you anyway, but just in case be sure to let us know. This is for ANY massage style or length…period. It’s our way of saying THANK YOU for making us part of your life! This is good for ALL of your massages in May…it’s not just once, so if you’ve been wanting to see what the fuss is about, NOW is the time!

Book Today By Clicking RIGHT HERE and Don’t forget your FREE UPGRADE to AROMA THERAPY!!!

Happy New Year! (The 2019 Edition!)

Happy New Year! (The 2019 Edition!)

Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Friends & Family!

I know that your email boxes are getting slammed right now from New Year well wishes to coupons, sales and other well wishers and in that I guess I’m no different. However, I do have to state that like so many others it is true, we wouldn’t have a business it weren’t for all of you who read this. So for that I thank you. Thank you for being our clients and helping us help you in reaching your health care goals. It truly is a privilege to do massage and bodywork and to help you reach your goals.

Cheers to new goals, ushering out bad habits, and working towards health and prosperity. Thank you for allowing That’s the Rub to be part of your journey. We look forward to supporting you through 2019 and beyond.

This year we’re launching partner massage classes (starting on January 27! Sign up here) so you can do massage on each other at home. We’re going to do shorter classes for those who want to get started right away (only a four hour workshop!), with limited time or budgets, and we will add longer classes in the near future for those who want more detailed information for anatomy and specialized massage strokes for those have more time to donate to learning the art of massage. We hope you will join us in understanding your body better through relaxation techniques that you can provide for each other. Please contact our front desk (812-333-3393) or website for more details and to sign up!

We also have THAT:space available for anyone in the community who needs a downtown space for larger gatherings (up to 40 people). Please contact Kara at for more details and dates available.

We are also launching continuing education classes (CEUs) for already certified massage therapists. March 25th & 26th we will be hosting Bloomington’s own Julie Gudaitis (returning from many years on the West Coast) in Morales Method for 16 CEU’s. If you’re interested in attending check out our Facebook page THAT: space and look for Morales Method for more details. More classes will be added to THAT:space soon, so please like, subscribe, and keep checking back.

As we near the beginning of the next semester at Ivy Tech we will have more students giving massage as part of That’s the Rub Bootcamp (a massage student intensive elective), so please put your name on the waiting list at our front desk (still 812-333-3393) and keep your eyes peeled for details on when student massage will be available (at a BIG discount to you!). These messages go fast, and they are essential for helping a student increase their therapeutic and palpation skills.

We at That’s the Rub look forward to an exciting year of community giving, education and collaboration. May your year be full of good cheer, prosperity and love!

That’s the Rub,


Beginings: Old and New

Beginings: Old and New

Very early Sidewalk Sign (circa 2012)
VERY Early Sidewalk Sign (circa 2012)

We used to start every day by hanging a new “Rub” on the door: a quote by a famous person to inspire thought, allow us to embrace gratitude, or to just have a good laugh on the way in and out our door. It was kind of our way at The Rub to send you on your way thinking, but also more relaxed and grounded with yourself, since you, of course, had also had a massage.
Over time we’ve gotten away from this practice, either due to changing of front-desk management or perhaps as we got busier due to our wonderful clients sending out the good word that we exist. Either way, I feel that it’s necessary to get back to our Rub of the Day, but maybe to take the pressure off a little bit, to change it to the Rub of the Month, but be choosier and more thoughtful about what those rubs are and we as a team reflect on them as much as anyone else does when they come and go.
You see, we at The Rub, have always tried to cultivate a relaxed atmosphere that was inclusive of everyone while maintaining professional relationships and cultivating education opportunities for knowing more about how our bodies work and how we can help ourselves and others through pain, dysfunction, and disease.

THAT space logo for the web site

Recently, we expanded our space to include a classroom, we call it THAT:space (which is currently represented online at it’s Facebook page). We decided it was time to offer massage classes to anyone who would like to learn how to feel better in their own skin, take back control of their own body, help themselves and others ease pain and discomfort of friends and family, or maybe find a hobby or possibly a new profession (as you know, we also helped found the new Ivy Tech Bloomington massage program). THAT:space is a private classroom within That’s the Rub, dedicated to learning objectives of all kinds.
Since opening our massage program at Ivy Tech, it’s become very clear to me that teaching is one of my fundamental joys in life and I wanted to expand my teaching range to anyone who wanted to learn massage, not just to those that wanted to be in the profession. Our goal at That’s the Rub is to open THAT:space to the public for massage classes within the next few months. We will also be offering classes to certified and licensed massage therapists to fulfill their CEU requirements, expand their professional skills, and help them in their businesses. THAT:space is also available to rent for private events, small plays (stay tuned for an announcement VERY soon about our first one!), and group meetings, etc., by the hour. Contact Kara THAT:space manager at for more information.
In conclusion, I will leave you with one of my favorite rubs from “back in the day”:

“Do in your heart what you know to be right for you will be criticized anyway.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt

May you always have the courage to do what your heart knows to be right.
That’s the Rub,