10 Reasons Why You Should Get a Massage

10 Reasons Why You Should Get a Massage

10 Reasons Why You Should Get a Massage

Massage is good for you (and perhaps more than you know)!

We all know how good a massage can feel after a long day/week/vacation-that-wasn’t. But did you know that there are actual health benefits to getting regular massages? Not only does it feel amazing, but there are actual health benefits to getting regular massages. Here’s how 10 different conditions can be improved by having a professional give their hands to you an hour or two every week:

1. You Deserve It

Let’s get to the obvious one first! You work hard day in and day out. You deserve to treat yourself to a massage! A massage can help you relax and de-stress, and it is a great way to pamper yourself. Whether you book an appointment at a spa or purchase a massager for home use, getting a massage is a great way to unwind after a long week. Massages can help to improve circulation, relieve muscle tension, and reduce stress levels. If you have never had a massage before, you may be wondering what to expect. Typically, a massage therapist will use their hands and forearms to apply pressure and knead the muscles. The pressure can be light or deep, depending on your preferences. Many people find that massages are incredibly relaxing, and they often report feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after their session. So why not give yourself the gift of relaxation today? You deserve it!

2. It Helps Relieve Pain

When it comes to chronic pain, there are a lot of different things that can help relieve it. For some people, massages are a great way to help reduce the pain. Massages can help improve circulation and flexibility, as well as release endorphins. Endorphins are natural painkillers that can help to reduce the amount of pain you’re feeling. If you’re looking for a way to help relieve chronic pain, massages might be something worth considering.

3. It Can Reduce Stress

In today’s world, it’s important to find ways to relax and de-stress. One way to do this is through massage. Massages can help to lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and improve your mood. They can also help to promote relaxation by increasing circulation and releasing muscle tension. There are many different types of massages, so you can choose one that best suits your needs. Whether you opt for a Swedish massage or a Deep Tissue massage, you’re sure to feel more relaxed and refreshed after your session. So why not book an appointment today? Your body (and mind) will thank you.

4. It Can Boost Your Immunity

If you’re looking for a way to boost your immune system, you might want to consider getting a massage. Massages can help increase the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off infection. This can be a great way to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season. In addition to boosting your immunity, massages can also help to improve circulation, relieve stress, and reduce pain. So if you’re looking for a path to relaxation and boost your health, consider getting a massage.

5. It Can Improve Your Sleep

If you’re having trouble sleeping, a massage can be a great way to get the rest you need. Massages can help improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. While there are many different types of massages, Swedish massage is one of the most popular and is known for its gentle, flowing strokes. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that Swedish massage may be effective in improving sleep quality in people with insomnia. The study participants who received massage therapy reported better sleep quality and less daytime fatigue than those who didn’t receive massage therapy. If you’re interested in trying massage therapy for better sleep, be sure to talk to your doctor or a qualified massage therapist to see if it’s right for you.

6. It Can Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is no joke. Also known as hypertension, it’s a serious health condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other problems. If you have high blood pressure, massages can help. How? By promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. Massages can also help to lower blood pressure by improving circulation and increasing the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps to relax blood vessels. So if you’re looking for a way to help lower your blood pressure, book yourself a massage. It just might help!

7. It Can Enhance Your Mental Health

Massages aren’t just good for your physical health, they can also do wonders for your mental health. A massage can help to improve your mood and promote relaxation, which can be a great way to alleviate symptoms of anxiety or depression. If you’re feeling stressed out, a massage can be a great way to help you relax and unwind. And if you suffer from chronic pain, a massage can help to relieve some of the pain and improve your range of motion. There are many different types of massages, so you can find one that’s right for you. Whether you want a relaxing Swedish massage or a more invigorating deep tissue massage, there’s a type of massage that can help you feel your best.

8. It Can Help With Digestion

For anyone who’s ever suffered from digestive issues, the concept of a massage probably doesn’t sound all that appealing. However, recent research has shown that massages can be quite helpful for people with digestive problems. Massages can help to stimulate the digestive system and promote regularity. In addition, they can also help to relieve pain and relax the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. If you’re struggling with constipation or irritable bowel syndrome, consider giving massages a try. You may be surprised at how much they can help.

9. It Can Detoxify the Body

If you’re looking for a way to detox your body, you might want to consider getting a massage. Massages can help stimulate lymphatic drainage, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body. This can be a great way to cleanse your system and improve your overall health. In addition to detoxification, massages can also offer other benefits such as stress relief, pain relief, and improved circulation. So if you’re looking for a way to relax and improve your health, a massage might be just what you need.

10. It Can Help With Pregnancy

Going to get a massage when you’re pregnant is honestly one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby. Not only does it feel amazing, but it also has tons of benefits. It can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve circulation. Plus, it’s a great way to bond with your baby. If you’re pregnant, be sure to consult with your doctor before booking a massage then give us a call (or hit this link) and set up a regular schedule for both prepartum and post-partum care with our amazing, highly skilled therapists.

So go ahead and book that massage today. You know you deserve it! Not only will it make you feel amazing, but there are some great health benefits to be had as well. Massages can help relieve pain, reduce stress, boost your immunity, improve your sleep, lower blood pressure, and more. If you’re looking for a way to relax and de-stress, look no further than a customized, tailored for you and your goals massage. Schedule one today at That’s the Rub!

Massage Therapy for Recovering from COVID-19: Stress Relief Tips

Massage Therapy for Recovering from COVID-19: Stress Relief Tips

DALL·E 2022 09 05 16.59.00 a hyper realistic photo of a young woman full of hope starting off on a long journey to get home across an open landscape

Getting Back to Normal after COVID-19

Massage therapy has been shown to be an effective way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. In times of high stress, such as during a pandemic, massage can be a vital tool for helping people recover and stay healthy. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of massage for recovering from COVID-19 and provide some tips for how to get the most out of your massage sessions.

There are many benefits to massage therapy, but some of the most important for recovering from COVID-19 include:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety: Massage has been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This can help to promote relaxation and ease anxiety.
  • Improving sleep: Massage can help to improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels.
  • Boosting immunity: Massage has been shown to boost immunity by increasing levels of white blood cells. This can help your body fight off infection and speed up recovery.

Here are some tips for getting the most out of massage therapy for recovering from COVID-19:

  • Schedule regular sessions: To get the most benefit from massage, it is important to schedule regular sessions. This will help to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.
  • Find a qualified therapist: Make sure to find a qualified massage therapist who has experience working with people recovering from COVID-19. Therapists at That’s the Rub Massage Therapy Center have been on the frontlines of the pandemic and massage since the beginning, constantly updating our practices and procedures based on current research and techniques.
  • Communicate with your therapist: Be sure to communicate with your massage therapist about your goals for the session. This will help them tailor the massage to meet your needs.

We hope that these tips have been helpful in understanding how massage can help you recover from the stress of COVID-19. If you have any questions or want to schedule your next treatment, please contact us at 812-333-3393 or online 24/7 at www.thatstherub.com (or by clicking here, of course). We are here to help you on your journey to recovery!

That’s the Rub’s COVID-19 Precautions [UPDATED May 21, 2021]

That’s the Rub’s COVID-19 Precautions [UPDATED May 21, 2021]

A quick reference chart for Corvid-19 vs. Allergies vs. Flu

MAY 21, 2021 UPDATE: Yup! We’re almost back to normalcy. Almost. Group classes have started again (YOU should come!) and we also offer facials, couple’s services, and more. But masks are still required until the medical board (who we fall under as massage therapy) declares it safe for medical practices to ensure safety for all). We thank you for your understanding as we move a little closer to normal…in a very relaxed way.

[June 3, 2020 UPDATE: We ARE OPEN after 2.5 months and we’re thrilled! This blog post has some good information in it so I’m not removing it, but for an update on our specific actions and plans, please visit our COVID-19 Response Page.]

Dear Friends:

Today’s blog is brought to you by the Letter C and the Number 19. There’s no way to make light of such an important topic as COVID-19, but this a That’s the Rub email, so I’ll try to keep it informative and fun as a possible. That said, let me hit the highpoints and then dig in more:

TLDR: Yes, we’re OPEN! Massage is GREAT for moving lymph and helping to strengthen your immune system. We are taking our already extraordinary precautions to an even higher level (we’re clean freaks anyway). We’re hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

If you’ve been with That’s the Rub for any length of time, you know we take our client’s health VERY seriously. Likewise, we take our team’s health just as seriously. COVID-19 (the novel corona virus) is scaring a lot of people, and for a very good reason. We’ve always been a bit more than germophobic around here, but we’ve been increasing our disinfecting across the board…and knobs…and shelves…and anyplace that has a chance of being touched by one of us or you (honestly, we were pretty fastidious already, but more can’t hurt).

Massage therapists and estheticians (by training, law, and OSHA) wash their hands (for at least 30 seconds) BEFORE AND AFTER every service. Always. Every time. The only change is we may be doing it EVEN MORE. But you can rest assured we are doing a LOT (and I mean a LOT)!

Next, after a long and hard think, we have changed our sheet process. In the past we have used (or owned) a cleaning service to launder our sheets. In no small part to the current viral concerns we have switched to a certified medical-grade cleaning service who provides linens to hospitals. This might be overkill and is above and beyond state and federal OSHA standards for a day spa, but we think we’re all worth it — we’re not playing games with anyone’s health. Our sheets have always been single-client use, but now they are being fully sanitized, not just cleaned. The quality of the new linens is just as high as we’ve always had, but you can rest assured they are the cleanest it is possible to clean them.

The fuzzy blankets are still around but are no longer the default in making the tables. They’re not really needed, the new top-sheets we use are extra thick and when combined with the table warmers (on ALL our tables) are more than sufficient (If you get cold during a service, PLEASE ask your therapist to turn up the table, they will happily do so!).

We have always provided equipment for our Yomassage, breathwork, couple’s massage training and other classes, and we will continue to do so. While we do disinfect all equipment between classes, you are always welcome to bring your own, and single-use pillowcases will be available upon request for bolsters, etc.

Our 24-hour cancellation policy remains in place (e.g. if you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment you will be charged full price), HOWEVER, we have ALWAYS had an exception for illness which is certainly not changing. If you are sick, PLEASE call us as soon as possible and stay home, drink bone broth, binge watch something insipid, and get healthy. We don’t want it either.

Likewise, we have always empowered our staff to turn away any client for any reason whether it is health, cleanliness, safety, or otherwise. If you show up sick, and we are concerned, you will be asked to reschedule (did I mention we don’t want it either?).

However, should one of our staff come down sick, we also will ask them to stay home. This could become inconvenient at the last minute before an appointment, and we will do everything we can to keep you informed. Where possible, we will simply move you to another of our fantastic therapists and you won’t miss a step (did you know we take EXTENSIVE notes after each and every appointment for just such an occasion? Yup! Always have, always will).

But as there is a lot (A LOT!) of confusion as to what is allergy, cold, flu, or COVID-19 The chart at the top of this blog is for your reference. If you’ve only got allergies, may I recommend our signature Allergy Relief Rub? It’s awesome!

Friends, we’re all in this together, and you can be assured we are watching, reading, and listening to everything and will absolutely operate within the law, common sense, and needs of the health of our community.

That’s the Rub!

Jim, Lisa, and Team Rub

PS – If you have ANY questions, please don’t hesitate to write me directly: jim@thatstherub.com

Wash your hands, A LOT!

Why I Stopped Wearing Over-the-Ear Headphones

Why I Stopped Wearing Over-the-Ear Headphones

e neck caused by over the ear headphones.

The Pain that Wouldn’t Go Away Wasn’t What I Thought

I decided to share this experience in the event that anyone else may be having these physical issues that seem “untraceable”, but happen to coincide with something so basic that you might overlook it as an issue. Over the ear headphones can be an issue for some people in regards to causing physical pain, an in an overuse type injury. I found that the squeezing of them on my Temporal muscles around my ears and the reverb of the music through my head put too much stress on the Temporal muscle itself, causing jaw pain, neck tension and no relief in sight.

As you may or may not know, I am an avid exerciser. I’ve been in the gym going on 25 years now, consistently. I’ve used headphones for my music long before blue tooth was a thing and I detested the earbuds because I felt that they hurt the inside of my ear. However, after several pairs of over the ear headphones trying to get something less “squeezy” on my head, I found no matter how gentle they seemed it still caused Temporal tension, jaw pain and neck tension. Stretching it out didn’t work, so I had to start looking at the solution. When I realized that it kept coming back and stronger after a workout than any other time of day, I went a day without music in my ears and it felt a little better. I then used a pair of ear buds and noticed that the tension wasn’t there. It’s been three weeks since I’ve used my over the head earphones and this is what my conclusion is: They caused my Temporal muscles severe trauma, which instigated my jaw pain and neck tension that I could never seem to get rid of no matter how much I stretched. I struggled with this for months until I figured it out and once I did, the tension was eased immediately and after three weeks, in spite of a car accident , the tension, pain and clicking (in my jaw) are gone. And I do mean gone.

So what does this mean for you? It means that if you are having a tension, pain or issue that doesn’t seem to be changed no matter what you do, dietary changes, stretching, strengthening, sleeping or massage, you MUST look at what you’re doing in your every day life that could possibly be contributing to it. It’s the only option and we owe it to our tissues to figure it out. Once we give our tissues what they want, we get what we want, a once again harmonious interaction with our body that brings about pain free and ample movement.

I hope this helps you figure out your tension issues. Until next time…

That’s the Rub,


CBD Massage is HERE!

CBD Massage is HERE!

CBD Massage Graphic 1
CBD Massage Comes to Bloomington in a BIG WAY!

Believe the Hype!
That’s the Rub is extremely proud to announce we have partnered with Bloomington company G&W Raw Foods to bring to you our EXCLUSIVE and Totally Excellent CBD MASSAGE!

CBD takes our already outstanding, award-winning therapeutic massages and cranks them up to 11! Our exclusive 100 mg CBD massage cream battles inflammation by activating the pathways of existing cannabinoid (CB2) receptors in the body, reducing soreness and stiffness, desensitizing pain, allowing your body to relax deeper and faster. Not only do joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves respond dramatically to CBD, as it is derived from hemp it is amazing for conditioning and protecting your skin. SCHEDULE RIGHT NOW!

How’s it Work?

Really, really well! First of all, it’s worth repeating, our incredible massage cream is derived from hemp, and contains NO THC, which means it is NOT psychoactive, you will not get high, rather, it is a powerful pain reliever that has far-reaching medical benefits as well!

Cannabis is a well-known pain reviler and anti-inflammatory agent. By reducing pain and inflammation in the muscles, the therapist is able to work more deeply and effectively. Studies have also found CBD good for speeding up the recovery time of injured connective tissues.

The skin has the greatest amount and concentration of CB2 (Cannabinoid) receptors in the body. When CBD oil is applied topically, such as in a massage, the antioxidants in CBD (which is dramatically more powerful than Vitamin E or C!) can repair damage from free radicals like UV rays and environmental pollutants.

When combined with massage, the CBD allows the therapist to work deeper, and bring longer lasting relief to sore muscles. 

Don’t just sit there, schedule TODAY online or by calling us at 812-333-3393! You will be ECSTATIC!