Feb 11, 2015 | News, Products

FARMHOUSE FRESH is Now at That’s the Rub!
Every now and again, it’s important to listen to your children. This is radical talk, I know, but bear with me. A few months ago, right after we opened The Body Boutique, my daughter Cassandra was visiting from LSU (Why isn’t she a Hoosier? I don’t know…but I try to suffer it with dignity and grace). Cassandra really enjoyed the shop, and of course, the massages, but when I asked her about the body products we carry she said “they’re fine, but I’d never buy them…they don’t have any scent. I want them to smell good!”
Well, I’m not quite as dense as I look, so I immediately got to searching for a GREAT smelling product that meets our excruciatingly high standards of being natural, gluten-free, vegan, and a host of other minutia that we’re meticulous about. Thanks Cassandra, GREAT IDEA!
FarmHouse Fresh!
(in their own words)
t FarmHouse Fresh, we dream, develop and hand assemble exquisite gifts that bring delight with every use. Whimsical. Nostalgic. Giftable to even your finickiest friends.Each product is made with up to
99.6% natural and naturally-derived ingredients. Everything we make is
Paraben & Sulfate FREE and our fragrances are all natural or phthalate free. Many of our products are also
Vegan and
Gluten Free.
Click here to read more. We LOVE crafting complex and scrumptious fragrances, but we also offer a range of products made with only essential oils if that is your preference!Our headquarter’s team resides in Texas, but we live in the world of
What If. It is a very silly place because sometimes our
What Ifs lead us to
Why Nots and then we wonder, really, Why
Why not mush-up vitamin rich, live strawberry fruit cells with whipped sweet cream shea butter? The result is Strawberry Smash – a 2-part Moisturizer sold with a mixing stick that makes lotioning-up as enjoyable as morning coffee. It also leaves skin dewy-soft, and can calm a mean sunburn in just a few seconds.
From charming jelly jar toppers, to delicate glass pour-spout cruets, each product is lovingly crafted and packaged for that special someone who will enjoy it!
In 2009, we won the Dallas Beauty Award presented by D Magazine in Dallas. You can read the full article here: DBeauty-FarmHouse Fresh Since then our products continue to win consumer awards including Redbook’s Most Valuable Beauty Product, Daily Candy’s Best of Beauty, Oprah’s O-List, Elle Canada Hot List, and more.
Over the last 3 years (2012, ’13 & ’14), we have been voted by spas, hotels and resorts as one of the Top 5 Favorite Bodycare Lines in the US, as published in American Spa Magazine. And this year we have been voted Top 5 Favorite All Natural Lines. Additionally, our dear favorite Shea butter Whoopie! Cream was voted by spas, hotels and resorts as the Favorite Body Lotion, as published in LNE Magazine.
FarmHouse Fresh is a member of Organic Trade Association, Society of Cosmetic Chemists Southwest Chapter, and proud members of Go Texan, as FarmHouse Fresh products are made in Texas. FarmHouse Fresh/Summer Soles LLC is also a Certified Woman-Owned Business and holds two patents and over a dozen trademarks. – See more at: http://www.farmhousefreshgoods.com/info.html#sthash.RFRdXcZx.dpuf
Oct 9, 2014 | News

Three weeks ago, in a fit of madness(or genius, tough call), Team Rub did the unthinkable: We opened That’s the Rub Body Boutique! Attached toThat’s the Rub Massage Therapy Center, the Body Boutique offers the highest quality skin and body care products available in one place. And believe you me, this isn’t your mama’s hand lotion, folks! Unless, of course, you bought it here and gave it to your mama as a gift the last time you went over for family dinner, in which case it is, and that makes you a really, really good kid!
But in our rush to open, we didn’t yet have all the inventory in…and we still don’t, more is coming every day…for instance, just yesterday, we got brand new Farmaesthetics gift and travel sets, including a new Gentleman’s line! Come check us out and see what’s new, play with the testers, and while you’re here, check out the new art from local artisans photographer Kendall Reeves, potter Paula Patton, and many, many more! We’re not an art gallery…but we occasionally play one on TV!
Aug 27, 2014 | Articles, Interview, News

As you may or may not know, That’s the Rub is the dream and brainchild of massage therapist extraordinaire, corporate spa consultant, and all-around fantastic individual Lisa Keplinger. Every now and again, someone out in the big, wide world recognizes what an amazing entrepreneur she is and calls for an interview about her story, and her ideas about the future of massage therapy (for the record, she’s got a lot). Today we’re delighted to share with you the most recent one done by a leading massage industry education magazine.
1. Tell us a bit more about you and your practice as it is today? i.e. are you a solo practitioner or a business owner? If solo, what kind of an establishment do you work for, how large is it, what is the clientele like, what is the specialty offered? If it is a business that you own, kindly include the same time of relevant information that will give the reader a good idea about your establishment/practice. Please also include where you live and work?
I’m a business owner and a solo practitioner among many. The business is That’s the Rub Massage Therapy Center. We have five treatment rooms, eight massage therapists, a Tarot reader and an acupuncturist, we also have three front desk staff and a wonderful marketing manager.
Our clientele varies. We are a college town (Bloomington, IN) so we work with a lot of professors and students alike. There are also many businesses around us because we’re downtown that a lot of people from the surrounding businesses also come to see us.
Our specialty is our Therapeutic Rub. It’s focused on exactly what their problem areas are, then we pick them apart and put them back together again with an integrative deep tissue, myofascial and massage to name just a few of the modalities that most of us do. Then we all also have our individual specialties that come into play.
We consider ourselves family and is a family owned business. My husband/business partner and I established That’s the Rub Massage Therapy Center in March of 2010, we’re about to celebrate our four year anniversary. Each therapist is an independent contractor and is responsible for their own schedule/communication with our front desk staff to keep things running smooth and in an orderly fashion.
2. Tell us why you chose to go into massage and at what point in your life did you decide to do so? What were you doing at the time? Where did you first hear about the massage career? What factors influenced your decision? What were you looking to get out of this decision? CONTINUE READING
– READ THE WHOLE INTERVIEW at: http://www.massagetherapyschoolsinformation.com/lisa-keplinger/#sthash.kza3jMmX.dpuf
Oct 10, 2013 | News

Guess how much we like you (HINT: It’s Bunches and Bunches)? I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, we’ve always had really, really high quality massage cream, but when there’s better, there’s better! Am I right? I’m right. As of this week, we are using ONLY organic Biotone Pure Touch Massage Cream in our Signature and Premium services (our Spa Services, like The Remedy Rub and Lavender Rub, have always used food-grade oils from Farmaesthetics, and that’s not about to change, Yum!). Yeah, we like you THAT much!